Check In Artwork Project One

Here's what I have so far. I know it's very basic but I've been working on other projects more than this one. My appliance is an antique film projector. My initial idea was to reference the Ludovico technique scene from A Clockwork Orange , where Anthony would be bound by film and the projector would project a white glare on his face. I change my mind and started on trying to make a mass-digging crane as a way to mock how Hollywood runs out of ideas constantly and keeps remaking everything. The old film reels take the place of the mass digging saw, and the usual wires are going to be replaced by classic film. I currently have no plans for the background, but it will most likely be a cemetery of 'dead' (aka soon to be rebooted) franchises. Sorry for the shite quality but I couldn't figure out how to make it upload otherwise, I kept getting an error message.