Check In Artwork Project One

 Here's what I have so far. I know it's very basic but I've been working on other projects more than this one.

My appliance is an antique film projector. My initial idea was to reference the Ludovico technique scene from A Clockwork Orange, where Anthony would be bound by film and the projector would project a white glare on his face. I change my mind and started on trying to make a mass-digging crane as a way to mock how Hollywood runs out of ideas constantly and keeps remaking everything. The old film reels take the place of the mass digging saw, and the usual wires are going to be replaced by classic film.

I currently have no plans for the background, but it will most likely be a cemetery of 'dead' (aka soon to be rebooted) franchises. Sorry for the shite quality but I couldn't figure out how to make it upload otherwise, I kept getting an error message.


  1. The crane aspect fits really well with the body of the old movie projector, and I feel like you're in a really good place with your project. Also I have a suggestion about your background, since your idea is based on how Hollywood takes a bunch of films and remakes them/makes sequels out of them, what if the background is some sort of big factory. When I think of factories, my mind goes to mass production, mass identical production, and you could incorporate the "cemetery of dead films" on the factories conveyer belts.

  2. I agree with Yesenia, I think that the crane and the old movie projector mess really well together. Your creation feels very steam punk/industrial so maybe you could go that direction with the background. I think that you have a great start. As far as your uploading issues go, I use "lightshot" to take screenshots on windows or you would have to export (file -> export -> export as -> save as type -> jpg) from illustrator as a jpg to upload on the blog.

  3. I really love your concept, it's so unique! I look forward to seeing how it progresses. I watched the video clip Professor emailed us today and just followed along to figure out how to export the file properly and upload into my blog. It was super helpful to just follow along, however if it's an error message you're receiving I'm unsure how you could fix that? It might be useful to bring it up with Professor in your meeting since I know we'll be required to do it frequently in the future with this Project and others.


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