Project 4 ideas

 I've got no photos to show, as I've been using this class period trying to come up with any sort of idea that is both sequential and not dumb. I've decided that I will do a series of photos, lined up on a grid to display the passage of time. 

I had a lot of ideas, but this is the one I've settled on. My idea will focus on a set of keys and what happens to them to make them lost. I'll have the actual work posted tomorrow.


  1. That sounds fascinating tbh. I'm interested to see how you depict the life of these keys on their own and the tone of the photo series. Any idea how you want to use photoshop to set the tone?

  2. Nice decision to take something simple within our everyday lives and turn it into something that can become engaging.

    I don't know if you'd classify this as "dumb," but, what if you took your narrative into a slightly absurd route. For example like a dog snatches the keys, takes them outside, a squirrel finds them, and then a bird takes them, etc, etc, and then somehow they end up back at the house?

  3. I think this is a really good idea. I think focusing on an item that is usually overlooked is a really interesting take on this project. It reminds me a lot of losing socks in the wash - they just disappear. In your idea I think it would be super cool to explore where they go when they're lost. Kind of like Yesenia said in a comment above, it would be cool to see them go somewhere fantastical and follow their journey through your narrative. Maybe they go somewhere surreal and are found and kept by someone else - thus continuing the cycle?

  4. (Gaia Lawing). Sounds cool I like the concept.

  5. It sounds like a good idea. I would look into making it into a video or maybe somehow stitching them into one long photo

  6. What a great idea! I'm excited to see what you come up with. How do you plan to put the images in motion? And how is the key going to represents the passing of time? Your idea reminds me of a lot Salvador Dali's persistence of memory with the melting clocks.


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